State of productivity in remote work in 2023
We tracked 100,000 employees across industries to get definitive answers an…
How distributed teams impact productivity in a post-pandemic world
Time Doctor analyzed which apps remote and hybrid workers use to complete their jobs and how long they spend on various websites. Download the State of productivity trends report to get a 5-part breakdown and analysis of global productivity trends.
With these insights, you can benchmark your business’ productivity using a global industry lens.
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What’s in the Guide
Work trends
Discover how much time employees spend on social media apps and which countries spend most of their workday on social.
Actionable insights
See the most popular tools employees use during their workday.
Practical tips
Get an insightful breakdown of the global state of productivity.
Navigating success in the modern work environment
The changing landscape of social media usage
Discover the latest insights into social media usage trends with TimeDoctor. LinkedIn users now spend an average of 32 minutes a day on the platform, surpassing even YouTube. Facebook has seen a significant decline in usage, dropping from 22 minutes in 2020 to 4.6% today. Twitter usage remains at just 8 minutes. Keep in mind that Time Doctor tracks desktop and laptop usage, so mobile app platforms like Instagram and TikTok may have even higher engagement.

The rise of messaging apps: A new era in collaboration
Explore the shift in the use of messaging and collaboration apps, which have seen a surge in popularity, especially during the pandemic. Time Doctor users now spend a significant portion of their working hours on these platforms, making it crucial for employers to ensure efficient and productive app usage.
Unveiling the world’s most productive countries
Discover the world’s most productive countries by analyzing their work habits and app usage. Countries like Mexico, India, and the Philippines stand out as leaders in productivity, with their workers dedicating substantial hours to work and minimizing time spent on unproductive apps.