Case Studies

Navigating remote work challenges at BokDoc — A 15% productivity lift with Time Doctor

At a glance

BokDoc is a specialized marketplace for surgeries located in Egypt. Their platform makes booking surgical procedures quick and stress free. Patients are able to compare surgeons, ask questions, upload medical documents and schedule exams and procedures all in one place. BokDoc deployed Time Doctor and increased productivity by 15% per employee.

BokDoc is a specialized marketplace for surgeries located in Egypt. Their platform makes booking surgical procedures quick and stress free. On the recommendation of a consultant, BokDoc installed Time Doctor on everyone’s laptop or workstation and saw an average productivity increase of 15% per employee.


Company Size

1 – 25





Work Type


The challenges

In 2020, COVID-19 forced the entire company of 17 team members to enter a remote work environment.

Like most CEO’s experiencing remote work for the first time, Dr. Ahmed Elawady was worried about the productivity of his employees while they adjust to their new work from home situation.

The solutions

On the recommendation of a consultant, BokDoc installed Time Doctor on everyone’s laptop or workstation and saw an average increased productivity of 15% per employee.

3 favorite Time Doctor features

Time tracking

Bokdoc is able to track how long projects and tasks take throughout the day with Time Doctor’s simple and easy to use platform.

Screenshots & activity levels

Using screenshots has provided visibility into time management issues and increased accountability within the team.

Blurred screenshots

Bokdoc’s accounting department is able to use the blurred screenshot options to protect sensitive information.

“Time Doctor helped increase productivity by 15% per employee.”

Go for it. It will help you a lot. The ROI that you see in your business is almost immediate. Your profit and revenue will go up.

Dr. Ahmed Elawady
Dr. Ahmed Elawady
