How Knorish leverages Time Doctor for optimal performance

At a glance

Knorish, an all-in-one platform that enables businesses, experts, consultants and coaches to build, launch, and monetize their online academies, embraced Time Doctor to refine the accountability, consistency, and impact of its hybrid team’s work.

Knorish, an all-in-one platform that enables businesses, experts, consultants and coaches to build, launch, and monetize their online academies, embraced Time Doctor to refine the accountability, consistency, and impact of its hybrid team’s work.


Company Size

101 – 500





Work Type


Knorish’s Story

Knorish is a platform that helps businesses monetize their knowledge through memberships, content, subscriptions, courses, webinars, and live sessions. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Knorish had to transition to a hybrid work model, with more than 50% of their team working remotely. This shift posed challenges in tracking attendance, ensuring productivity, and maintaining accountability.

The challenges

Knorish needed a solution that could provide visibility into their employees’ work hours and productivity, especially for their remote team. They also wanted to ensure that they could maintain accountability without resorting to micromanagement. Knorish, like many other companies, had to pivot its operations to accommodate remote work. Given the cultural and logistical differences between work cultures in different countries, this transition was not without its challenges.

Time Doctor brought us more than just monitoring. Now we can give our clients more control and visibility than when we were previously able to in-office.

John le Bail

CEO, Eufonie

The solutions

Knorish adopted Time Doctor to monitor employees’ attendance and productivity, as well as maintain an accurate record of all on-screen activities for audit and compliance purposes. The ability to hold people accountable was a “game-changer” for Knorish, as it allowed them to:

Create a bridge between in-office and remote teams, respecting the unique needs of each.

Have a clear picture of work hours with attendance tracking.

Maximize resource allocation and manage payroll effectively.

Safeguard their business through effective auditing and compliance.

Verify employee process adherence to quality-check service delivery.

Genuinely support employees to be the best versions of themselves.

The results

Time Doctor’s features have helped Knorish maintain a balance of trust and accountability with their employees, leading to significant improvements in productivity, accountability, and attendance tracking.

Enhanced Accountability

The screen capture functionality in Time Doctor boosted accountability within the workplace. This is due to the fact that the possibility of productivity monitoring what employees were engaged in during their recorded working hours led to a notable reduction in non-work-related Internet usage.

Improved Productivity

Time Doctor’s automatically generated reports enabled Knorish to track productivity seamlessly. Whenever any employee encounters difficulties in meeting their OKRs, they can leverage the Time Doctor features integrated with ClickUp. This integration allows them to monitor specific tasks, providing both employees and management with data on the time spent on individual tasks.

Better Attendance Tracking

Time Doctor’s automatically generated reports enabled Knorish to track productivity seamlessly. Whenever any employee encounters difficulties in meeting their OKRs, they can leverage the Time Doctor features integrated with ClickUp. This integration allows them to monitor specific tasks, providing both employees and management with data on the time spent on individual tasks.


Time Doctor has been instrumental in helping Knorish manage their hybrid workforce. The platform’s features have provided the company with the tools they need to track attendance, monitor productivity, and maintain accountability, all while respecting their employees’ work-life balance.

We only look at Time Doctor when there are issues.

So when somebody claims, ‘I don’t have enough time in the day to actually pick up an aspirational project,’ that’s when we look at Time Doctor. It helps everyone gain accurate insights on their time allocation and usage to ensure which goals can be achieved.

John le Bail

CEO, Eufonie